Soooooo, it's been almost a month to the day since I've written here. Many reasons come to mind:
- I'm busy (ha)
- I don't have much to say (another, ha)
- I'm not "good" at blogging (what does that mean anyway?)
- I don't have a lot of followers so what's the point? (I'm not doing this for anyone but myself..I need to remember that!)
- I'm lazy (now that's more like it, but what kind of effort does it take?!)
My friend Jen posted on her blog-visit it here
It's My Life, her Fall Bucket List which I thought was so cool!! So, here goes my attempt:
- Blog at least twice a week!
- Finish a knitting project.
- Finish "the" book. (I've been reading it for over six months now-gasp!)
- Start walking Winston every day.
- Work on my Project Life and scrap once a week.
So, what would your Fall Bucket List look like?
A fun thing that is happening this weekend, my cat Toby is going to be featured on Freekibble!! There's a link to the site on the left there. I'm pretty excited about it. Saturday is the day.
Another fun thing this weekend is Logan will be in the Homecoming Parade with his Cub Scout troop! That's also on Saturday morning. I'll post pics after the parade.
Well, I'm off to run. It's a beautiful morning here in N.E. Ohio and it's suppose to be a beautiful day!