Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Project Life April 2024


And here is April's Project Life! I really enjoy this whole process. I'm hoping to make a video (my first) of my Halloween mini chipboard album I made. I will do that before adding the photos from Halloween last year. 

I expect to add a whole story about my girl's trip to Vegas in a Travel Album. 

As always..thanks for stopping by. 

Project Life March 2024

 Hey there!

Slowly but surely I'm catching up. I'm actually on to May but I haven't posted my March & April here yet. I was actually quafeling between making my blog private so I wouldn't have to put stickers on my little grands faces and to be honest, I would do it in a heartbeat if it meant anyone who wanted to look, just had to ask. BUT, that's not the case. I would have to send invites to everyone 😖.

So I will continue to put emoji's on their little faces (per mom's request because of all the weirdo's in internet land). 

Here are my March Project Life pages. Most of the supplies are from Ali Edwards Stories By The Month kit and Becky Higgins Project Life.  

The bottom journaling card was perfect! Came from the Project Life app. 

Look who's driving!! The caption says "Here's to strong women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Volleyball Season

 I gotta admit, it sure felt great working on a good old fashioned scrapbook page. I dug deep into my stash for this one. Some of the stamps and the mesh..at least 15 years old! 

Anyway, this is a page for Emmy's scrapbook. I wish I was there to see some of her games and see her play in person..maybe one day. For the time being, I get to watch through videos and photos from Eric. 

The tag in the middle pocket

The other side of the tag from the middle pocket

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Project Life February 2024

 Here are my Project Life pages for February. I've been working on lots of other things and unfortunately my PL is taking a back seat. I am almost done with March though. I'll post about my girls trip to Vegas soon. OMG! What a blast we had. 

As always, 

thanks for stopping by. 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Project Life January 2024

 Hey, hey!

I have to say I'm pretty happy to be up in my craft room playing with my Project Life again. It's been quite a while since I've been able to come up here and not feel guilty. It's a long story 😌.

So here's the first couple of weeks of January. Stay tuned for the rest of the month and some cruise pics from February in February's Project Life. Click on any photo to enlarge. 

As always,

Thanks for stopping by 😊

Friday, March 1, 2024



What's a KAL? It's a knit-A-Long. I've been working on a pair of socks when a new to me website Twice Sheared Sheep came into my life. Probably by FB or IG 😏. Anyway, they have cool little gadgets to help with knitting and they announced a KAL. It was for a hat called The Holly Beanie. Now I've done KAL's in the past with not much luck because they were a MKAL (mystery). 

The hat looked cute and the way KAL's work is the whole group of people who sign up all knit the same thing at the same time. We post pics of our progress along with questions etc. 

I just finished mine and it's cute and the color I chose goes nicely with my new coat. 

When you get near the crown you have such a small circumference, you change to double pointed needles. Some people knit the whole hat or whatever it is they're knitting in the round, on double points. Anyway, I have a book by Sally Melville called the knitting Experience Book 1, The Knit Stitch. That's how I learned to knit. I used this book. Anyway, she talks about how cool it looks to knit on double pointed needles because it looks soooo complicated and you look soooo talented but in reality, you're only knitting with 2 needles the whole time. 😀

I loved working the cables. It's been a long time since I did cables and Twice Sheared Sheep sent some awesome wooden cable needles in the kit for the hat. 

I'm working on my Project Life album for 2024 and will post January soon. 

As always,

Thanks for stopping by. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024



It's still January so I figure it's still appropriate to say Happy New Year. 

Jenn & Dan's house is almost done! I think just a couple more weeks and they'll be moving in. It's gorgeous and I know they'll be happy there for a very long time. And us? We're thrilled they're going to be living so close and the other day when they went over to look at it, Ethan and Elliott were excited to look out their bedroom windows and be able to see MiMi & Papa's house! 💓

Christmas was..WONDERFUL! Eric, Logan, Emmy and Eric's girlfriend Angela came from Williamsburg on Tuesday and Steve & Laureen came on Wednesday which was when we celebrated. My favorite holiday and once again it was so wonderful to have all my kids home 💝

As the New Year came, I realized in the first week that I hadn't even purchased my album to document my 2024 Project Life in, so I made a run to Hobby Lobby (😝 not my favorite craft store). They're the only place in my area who carry the 12x12 3 ring albums. I do love it though. 

Modern farmhouse 

I made my title page which I'm very happy with. 

So, as most years I'm going to try and stay caught up. I am journaling more so that will definitely help tell my stories. 

I have to show this cute card I got in an order from Paper Issues. Cassie always sends a little cute note or card. 

And, yesterday was Ethan's 3rd birthday. Since my blog is public I was asked by Jenn not to post pics of her kids (hence why their faces are smudged out above) so I can't share photos but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY! 

As always,

thanks for stopping by.