It's been good/bad day. Not good having to leave the house at 5:00am to catch a flight. Not good when I've been struggling to get rid of the flu, which I think is finally making it's leave but my body is kind of freaked out at the meds I'm on. If I hadn't been so tired and had been feeling better, I would have gotten some photos of the gorgeous airports, both Detroit and Phoenix. Hopefully I'll get some on the way home. I also forgot my journal so my "outside voice" might be my stand-in.
Phoenix around the airport is beautiful! Not so much where we are in the hotel so when we come back to Phoenix (going to Sedona tomorrow and Monday) on Monday night, Paul has booked us closer to the airport. We'll see.
We went to The Desert Botanical Garden. The weather couldn't have been more perfect, clear blue skies and 70 degrees. Ahhh. I got some nice pics and Paul brought the P&S and had some fun taking some too.
I love the little critters I saw. Not sure what this guy is although Paul thinks he's a desert squirrel, works for me. |
Now this little bird was just making all kinds of racket. Chirping up a storm. |
So, tomorrow we're off to Sedona to do some exploring. I'm not going to take a guzzle of the codeine cough syrup I have that's for sure. I walked around loopy and nauseated off and on. So, it was a strange day. It's only 8:00 and I'm off to bed.