Sunday, August 13, 2017

Our 2017 Vacation with the grands...

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After playing and editing a lot..I noticed I forgot some photos that should have made the slideshow. The other rock Emmy painted. It's awesome. She painted the eagle and also a strawberry. The rock was the perfect shape..

There was a magician at the campground and Emmy got picked to go up and help.

Notice the birthday bag on the table? 

Our neighbors at the campground, Nicole, Colleen and Leo were so sweet they bought Emmy presents!! Campground peeps are the best peeps!

We hope Logan and Emmy enjoyed themselves and had as much fun as we did!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

This and that for July

Hi.  Recently I found a painted rock. I was pretty excited about it as I've seen some friends on Facebook that have found these rocks that brought a smile to their face.

On the back was a tag that said to please take a picture, post it on the group on FB and rehide it for someone else to enjoy.
Then I found another..

Paul ran in a 5K walk/run race called the Kerstetter Race. James Kerstetter was an officer killed in a neighboring town and every year they have a race and the proceeds go to the James A. Kerstetter Memorial Scholarship Fund. On a side note, James had the Top Driver award at the police academy and every year since his death, his mom presents the award to the winner that year. Jennifer when she graduated received the award from James mom. Very emotional and proud day that was. 
Paul did very well in his race, coming in 4th in his age group.

In this pic he spotted Bentley and was trying to get his attention. 

And this pic too.
Our nephew Jakadien ran in the race too.

My guy after the race with his medals :)
While Paul was on his run, Bentley and I went for a walk. I spotted a rock on our walk! 

Bentley spotted it too. It says "Reach for the stars". 
So, I decide to paint one of my own and I think we're all going to paint rocks next weekend on our Island Bunco weekend! Since I found the rock on our camping trip, I decided to paint a little camper on it..

I'm pretty proud of the little bugger.
Logan and Emmy are here for a couple weeks and I got Emmy into the rock painting bug too, but she wants to keep hers..I don't blame her a bit as they're awesome! 

It's fun to find rocks that have a shape that you can visualize what it could be. I think Jessie found the strawberry looking rock but didn't Emmy do an amazing job? And the bald eagle..NICE! 

Our little Bentley
I swear this little dog and his underbite looks like he's smiling all the time! LOL. Logan asked me about it the other day. Wondering why he has it etc. I explained that just like people, no two dogs are alike and although he has an underbite, he's still Bentley. Logan thinks it's adorable :)

It was Dan's birthday so Paul and I went to Toledo to help celebrate! We ate at his favorite restaurant and they had an awesome divider made out of pictures of windows!! I fell in love!!

I think I could make this!
I will post pics of our vacation with the grands soon. I may break it up into parts because as you know me..I take a lot of pictures. 

As always!