Saturday, January 18, 2025

What's Happening!

 Happy mid January! 

I can't believe that 47 years ago today, I was getting ready to have my first baby! I knew NOTHING! LOL!! 

In this picture I'm 12 days late and I'm both extremely excited and scared..and as you can see, I gained 50 lbs!! It was the Burger King Whoppers with cheese without tomato LOL.

Tomorrow's the big day! 

In my previous post I showed you my December Daily for 2023. Since then I've started telling my story in the Project Life style but this year, I'm using a 9x12 sized album instead of my usual 12x12. I'm definitely excited starting this project. Also, I'm going to be documenting weekly instead of monthly. Lots of changes and changes are GOOD! 

Here's my title page. Usually I'll include a Christmas photo of the whole family but this year we didn't all get together at the same time. But..that's ok. I've included my 3 kids in the title page because I document what we do together as a family anyway. 

Here's my first week of January..

I've just started week 3 and will post that along with week 2 after I add the smiley faces to the kids etc. Gotta clean em up first. 

I bought some sock yarn last year during the eclipse and it's actually dyed to look like the different colors of the eclipse. I've started some socks with it. 
How cute is that little stitch marker?! 

For years I kept a journal in a Daphne's Diary notebook. She designs these GORGEOUS spiral planners, I guess you'd call them. Not enough room inside to actually call them a journal but I used to find the room to write every night. Then, the pandemic hit and I couldn't find them. Since 2019 they haven't been in Barnes & Noble (and believe me, I've searched). So it was a total surprise to see them on Amazon at the end of December! I bought one and I'm having so much fun with it! 

Check it out!! It comes with a little paper flap on the inside front and back with all kinds of stickers, post cards, bookmarks..just yummy stuff!! 

Here's the inside back flap. So cute!! 

So Eric sent a text message to our family group about journaling. When I was looking through one of my journals, I came across this page that just warms my heart..

Funny story;
I had bird feeders in the backyard during the summer and we had the hardest time keeping Oreo from eating the seed. He'd pig out on it then get sick, plus being the only house in the neighborhood with bushes and trees, we didn't get much in the way of birds. So we didn't put up feeders this year and when we did put one up, it was the kind that didn't make a mess or sprout. It was in a flat tray type of feeder and the wind would just wreck havoc with it. 
Fast forward to now, I told Paul since Oreo isn't playing out back and nothing is going to sprout in the cold and snow, I wanted to put out some feeders and see if the birds in the arborvitae might come. I didn't have a finch feeder that wasn't a mess so I used a regular small feeder. 
The next day I told Paul. LOOK! Our feeder is almost empty! We've had birds! 

the feeder on the left

Paul says, no we haven't had any birds. The wind took all the birdseed 😡
Anyway, I tried and I did get a new finch feeder. Hopefully that will cut down on the amount of seed the wind whisks away. 

Well, I've rambled enough. As always..
Thanks for stopping by. 

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