A lot is happening in the world right now. Two tragedy's in Florida. A gunman shot and killed 50 people at a LGBTQ bar/nightclub. The gun laws in our country need to change and need to change fast. My heart goes out to the families of all those people.
Then a two year old at a resort hotel near Disney was grabbed by an alligator and pulled into the water and died. They did find the body of the baby and they're doing an autopsy. My heart cries out for those parents of the toddler, who will live the rest of their lives in pain. I CANNOT and WOULD NOT even try to understand the devastating, heart wrenching agony they are feeling right now. It's incomprehensible.
What's happening in MY corner of the world is, the Cav's came back from a 3-1 deficit to the Warriors in the finals. It's now 3-3 and they'll play for the NBA championship (which they've never won) on Sunday...GO CAV'S!! Now I'm not going to pretend I'm a fan. I am not really. I don't like many sports except soccer but I do LOVE the city I live in!
Our fans, I've said it before and I'll say it again, there are NO FANS out there LIKE CLEVELAND FANS!!!
I really feel for the fans of Cleveland. I've lived here now for almost 30 years and I've watched with anguish the fans when our teams lose, whether it's the Indians, Browns or Cavs they can't get a championship and they can't get a break. There's a bet between Paul and Steve that if either the Indians or the Browns win a championship, they'll both get tattoos. Now, really? Do they believe they'll ever get tattoos? They keep hoping and rooting for their teams though. Just like all the other Cleveland Fans. I remember when the owner of the Brown's Art Modell, decided to relocate the Browns to Baltimore in 1995. Oh my God! Fans went down to the stadium and ripped the paid for season seat chairs that were bolted to the ground right up and took them home. It was an awful time for Cleveland and I felt so bad for this city. They LOVED their losing Browns.
I was pissed, really pissed when Lebron left the Cavs. I watched as my kids posted pictures of themselves dressed in their Lebron jersey's standing in front of the Q waiting for Lebron to make the announcement of whether or not he'll stay. I was bitter because I watched my family, well my whole city in mourning! I watched grown men and women cry! I watched fans burn Lebron jerseys.
Well, Lebron came back and this city is once again hyped up! And I mean HYPED! They want a championship so bad they can taste it. Businesses are waving signs and employees are dressed in their best fan gear they can find. My friend and I walk nearly everyday and over near her house is a beautiful neighborhood with manicured lawns you wouldn't believe. And there, mowed in the front lawn of one house is ALL IN! Their next door neighbor has a basketball mowed in their lawn.
I hope the Cav's win on Sunday and I hope you (wherever you are) have a great weekend! As always...
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